17 August 2011

Hello, my name is Michelle.

I've been waiting for my life to happen for quite a few years now and I'm nearing the age where it seems like EVERYONE except me is married or pregnant or both. I've been to school, college, university. I've got the job and the boyfriend and I rent a house and to all intents and purposes, I am a grown-up, but I'm still waiting.

I know this statement applies to most of my friends too, and it's not a happy thought. Is this what my parents thought before me, or are we a generation of discontented eternal teens? I want to enjoy my life assuming that it is all it's ever going to be, and make the most out of it.

That is why I am starting this blog. Reflection, a journal to fill with ideas and achievements, a Captains Log from the spaceship Swiftheart.
I also want to share the things I love; all things cute, art, nerdery and... of course, Lolita fashion, with my friends online and with the hope of making new ones!

Michelle <3
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